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10 gross things your body does that are actually good for you

By Agencies, K24 Digital On Thu, 9 Feb, 2023 08:01 | 4 mins read

Some bodily functions are stinky, unsightly, nuisance or outright embarrassing. But they are normal, or are at least the body’s way of trying to fix an issue. Here are some of them…

Thick foot calluses

If the bottoms of your feet are thick with calluses, never fear. A thick layer of callous on the bottom your feet is a sign that your feet are healthy and you have good circulation. It protects the bottom of your foot from injury, because the natural human being would be running around barefooted.

Flaking skin

It might be shocking to watch your skin flake off. It might also be annoying to deal with dry patches. But this is yet another common body process. The sloughing off of dead skin is what keeps our skin healthy and vibrant. Soaps, washcloths, and sponges can get off a lot of the dead skin without us noticing it, but if there are areas that you don’t regularly exfoliate or pay close attention to, don’t be surprised when they have seemingly more than normal amounts of skin to shed!


You have probably been told not to belch at the dinner table. But burping is the body’s way of expelling excess gas from your stomach and even though it seems gross, it is a normal bodily function. When we swallow food or drinks, it goes through the oesophagus and into the stomach where stomach acids and digestive enzymes work to break food down into nutrients that we use for energy, which creates gas during the process. If you always hold in your burps because you are embarrassed or they are just not something you like to do, then you might experience bloating and an overinflation of the stomach that may cause discomfort. However, while burping a few times isn’t a cause for concern, if it persists, see a doctor.  This is because it can be associated with certain conditions such as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), indigestion, gastritis, ulcers and Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is a way your body carries away dead cells and bacteria, keeping the vagina clean and preventing infection.

While a clear jelly-like substance is a a sign of a healthy reproductive system, if your discharge has a fishy odour, causes itching or changes colour, you need to get checked out by a medical professional to rule out any underlying conditions or infections.


While passing gas may be embarrassing, it’s a natural result of the digestive process. It is a way for your body to expel both swallowed air as well as the fermented byproducts of undigested food. The volume and frequency of flatulence can vary greatly between individuals and can be affected by diet, activity level, antibiotic use and even altitude. Additionally, farting may indicate that your diet is high in fibre, which can signal improved gut health and that of the microbiome. Plus, it can help prevent unwanted stomach pain and bloating, which is commonly caused by “holding it in.” While farting is normal, too much may not be a good thing. Excess gas leading to bloating and abdominal pain can be signs of serious medical conditions you should share with your doctor. Excessive flatulence is categorised as farting more than 20 times per day. While this is frequently caused by diets high in fibre, in some rare cases it can be indicative of other issues such as Crohn’s disease or dumping syndrome.


If you’ve noticed a clogged feeling in your ears, then it may be due to a buildup of earwax, also known as cerumen. However, when it’s not causing damage and discomfort, earwax is actually good for you. It protects the ears from things that could hurt the eardrum, such as dust, hair or small insects. Certain factors that may affect the amount of earwax you have include previous ear surgery or trauma, recurrent ear infections, or wearing hearing aids or deep earplugs.


Mucus is naturally produced by the cells in your mouth, throat, nose and sinuses. It plays an important role in lubricating and protecting your upper and lower airway. Its slippery consistency helps trap potential irritants as it contains special antibodies and proteins to help fight harmful germs that may be introduced into your respiratory tract. Healthy mucus tends to be thin and clear, but if you are sick or have other lung disease, mucus can become thick, colourful and can potentially cause difficulty breathing.


It’s usually normal to have some pus present shortly following the presence of a wound — around one or two days after. This means that the white blood cells have flocked to the open wound and are working to fight germs and bacteria. If the wound is healing, it’ll usually be odour-free and not show signs of discolouration. When you get an infection, however, the pus may smell and the wound may be hot to the touch, so you’ll want to be sure to head to the doctor to get it treated and prescribed medication to clear it as soon as possible.


Bowel movements are the mechanism for our body to get rid of materials that cannot be digested. It is generally accepted that normal bowel movements are from three times a day to three times a week. While pooping is healthy, alterations in bowel movements can be an indicator of overall health. For example, if you have chronic constipation, diarrhoea, or blood in your stool, you need to schedule an appointment with your physician.

Leaky nipples

Leaky nipples are a normal part of the breastfeeding process and are a clear sign of heavy milk production for nursing people. That said, if other discharge leaks from the nipples, or if there’s pain, you’ll want to consult with your doctor to rule out any underlying conditions.


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