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10 popular foods you shouldn’t give your child

It’s normal for children of all ages to have a lot of energy. Preschoolers, for instance, can be very active, they often move quickly from one activity to another.

And this is the reason they will also always need food to satiate. While it may feel like the easiest and fastest option to pick easy fills and drinks, most of it may actually endanger your child’s health.

Below is the list of some of them:


Before the age of two, a child should not have any honey. That’s because it contains bacteria that result in botulism, a severe form of food poisoning. So, how are we able to eat it as adults? As humans grow, they develop an immune system capable of handling these bacteria in small amounts. Once old enough to have honey in small amounts, there can be many benefits, including vitamins B and C, antioxidants, and may also act as a cough suppressant. With that said, raw honey that hasn’t been filtered or processed in any way is likely to provide the most benefits.

Microwaved popcorn

Microwaved popcorn is often a family’s go-to snack while spending an evening together or watching a movie. However, you should be aware that the bags used in microwaved popcorn can potentially release dangerous chemicals. The bags contain perfluorinated chemicals. When heated on high, they emit compounds in the process that can be potentially harmful to a child’s development and long-term health issues. Rather than choosing a pre-packaged bag of microwave popcorn, try popping some of your own kernels. Not only will you avoid toxic chemicals, but it can also be a fun experience for the family to do together.

Ice cream

Everyone loves a little bit of this sweet stuff. However, even if you make it at home from scratch, there will be a lot of sugar and fat involved in the process. Overeating sugar can increase your child’s risk of hyperactivity and tooth decay. It can also increase their resistance to choosing healthier foods that provide more nutritional value. Instead, you can pulp fruit and freeze it for a healthier alternative.

Chewing gum

Adults chew gum for various reasons; from trying to quit smoking to fixing bad breath. However, you should probably avoid giving children gum altogether because it is a choking hazard. However, even when children are old enough to learn how it works, you still shouldn’t give it to them. Chewing stimulates the production of saliva, which signals the stomach that food is coming. In turn, chewing gum makes the digestive system confused. Also, the inclusion of xylitol in newer brands of chewing gum can lead to intestinal distress.

Canned tuna

Fish is an excellent source of low-fat protein, healthy fats that children need, and necessary vitamins and minerals, so it is helpful to get hooked on it at an early age. However, it would help if you looked at the types of fish you are getting because they can have high mercury content. Avoid canned fish such as albacore tuna, swordfish, and king mackerel, as these are the ones that tend to have the highest mercury content. These ingredients can affect the nervous system of young children, which can lead to irreversible damage.

French fries

This salty treat is probably the first fast food that most children enjoy. But French fries are loaded with fat because each chip is fried in oil, allowing it to soak into every surface area. All of the added salt isn’t a good idea either since they will only become thirsty for more soda.

Raw milk

Most people associate things that are raw or natural as being safer and healthier. Drinking raw milk, however can be dangerous, especially for young children. Raw milk  is milk that has come direct from the cow without the pasteurisation process. Pasteurisation destroys many harmful bacteria commonly found in cows’ milk, including Salmonella, E coli, and Listeria, which can pose serious health risks, especially for developing immune systems.

Cheese snacks

Processed cheese snacks, cracker snack packs, and cheesy straws — all of these baked, cheesy variations tend to be high in salt, so you rethink giving them to your children next time you want an easy snack to prepare. Although they have much calcium, there is also plenty of added salt and fat that aren’t good for your children to be eating every day. Be sure to look at the ingredients first to find one with no additives.

Too many cookies

Cookies are always a sweet snack, as they come in a wide variety, are easy for children to hold, and can be paired with milk to ensure that they get their calcium. However, children don’t know when to hold back and are more likely to eat more of these sweet treats than they should. These sugars and fats aren’t any good, so substitute them for cookies that you make yourself that have more whole grains and wheat in them. You’ll feel better knowing that you have more control over what they’re putting in their bodies.


Pop, soda, coke, whatever you call these carbonated beverages, they are not healthy. They are terrible for us as adults, and it is even worse for children. A single 500 millilitres bottle of soda has 60 grammes of sugar, which is way too much for a child. This much sugar daily has been shown to increase the risk of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and aggression in children. Too much sugar from pop or soda can lead to teeth issues and impact their bodies’ ability to breakdown all the unnecessary sugar.

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