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4 drinks to boost your s*x drive naturally

When it comes to sex, the more you know, the better.

Ageing alters not just your stamina, but also your appetite. You may experience a dip in your libido, hampering the frequency and nature of your passionate moments with your partner.

If sexual health issues such as vaginal dryness, joint pains, low desire for sex and more are playing spoilsport for you, try winning your sex drive back.

Experts have emphasised on the need for a proper exercise regime and the consumption of a balanced diet to maintain overall health. Boosting sex drive and sexual stamina can also benefit from this. You can also try to include some libido-boosting drinks and foods to keep the spice alive in your sex life.

Here are 4 drinks to increase libido and sex drive naturally:

Green tea is not just a wonder drink for weight loss, but can also rev up your sexual desire. It comprises rich compounds called catechins which promote blood flow to your nether regions. That helps to increase sex drive.

Research has shown that wine can increase sexual arousal in both men and women. In fact, if you like it, consuming two glasses of red wine can boost the sex drive in women. In men, red wine can increase testosterone.

It is, however, important not to go overboard.

This combination goes beyond giving your body physical strength and can also increase your sex drive. According to experts, bananas have bromelain enzyme which increases libido and testosterone in men. Don’t think twice before including this in your daily intake to treat low libido.

Coffee, as we all know, is a mood enhancer. Packed with caffeine, coffee is said to be beneficial for sex drive in both men and women.

According to research, men who consumed coffee every day were at a lower risk of erectile dysfunction.


Content contributor at AFAL [African Alert]. Kevin is a passionate copywriter who is searching for fresh content every day.

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