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4 Myths and Misconceptions About CBD

CBD might be one of the most misunderstood products on the market. And while it’s certainly new to most of the mainstream public, this is no excuse for letting misinformation fly. 

It’s important that we set the record straight on what CBD is, what it’s not, and how it can be used safely.

Correcting These 4 CBD Myths

Medicinal cannabis is nothing new. It’s actually been used for centuries for pain relief and other benefits. But it’s only within the last decade or so that Western consumers and medical professionals have been turned onto its powerful benefits and applications. 

In particular, a certain element of the cannabis plant – cannabinoids (CBD) – has received a lot of attention. And thanks to new research and development, it’s become entirely accessible for virtually all Americans to enjoy. But as is the case with anything “new” in the medical world, there are always misconceptions, controversies, and myths surrounding it.

CBD is a little bit of a polarizing topic. But when you dig into the details of it, you’ll be left asking, why? CBD is anything but controversial and in many ways is a “godsend” to the health and wellness community. 

However, before it can enjoy even more widespread adoption, we must crush some of the myths that are holding it back. Here are a few of the big ones:

1. CBD is Illegal and Will Make You High

No matter what you hear anyone say, CBD is not illegal. It’s totally, 100 percent legal for people to buy and use in all 50 states. However, just in case you want a little more clarity, let’s dig into some background information for context.

The cannabis plant produces 140 distinct organic compounds. However, only two of these ingredients are considered the “primary active” ingredients: cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Furthermore, there’s only one psychoactive component that creates a high: THC. CBD, on the other hand, is a non-psychoactive ingredient. 

While some CBD products contain small, trace amounts of THC (0.3 percent or less), others contain no THC. Regardless, CBD is not designed to get you high. It can, however, make you feel better. C

2. CBD is a Cure-All

There are mountains of research and studies showing the effectiveness of CBD to cure a long list of benefits. (This includes physical and mental health problems.) However, it’s important to note that the higher-ups in the scientific community (like the FDA) stop short of making claims. There’s only one CBD-based drug that’s approved by the FDA, and it’s designed to help with seizure disorders. 

While the effectiveness of CBD to reduce pain, promote relaxation, increase focus, etc. is pretty clear, this isn’t some cure-all medication. It can’t fix everything. It’s designed to be taken as a supplement to other forms of medical care.

3. CBD Has No Side Effects

Perhaps you’ve heard someone say CBD causes no side effects. While this is generally true, it’s important to make a distinction. While CBD is considered safe to take, it can interact with certain medications. CBD changes the way the body metabolizes certain medication and can potentially alter blood levels. It’s for that reason that you should speak with a doctor before taking CBD.

4. All CBD Products Are the Same

Just because something says CBD, doesn’t mean it’s the right product for you. There are so many different types of CBD, including a variety of blends and methods of application. For example, some CBD products contain absolutely no THC (isolates), while other products may contain up to 0.3 percent THC (full spectrum).

There are also different ways that CBD can be used, including edibles (like gummies), topicals, and even CBD suppositories. It’s important that you select the product that’s the right fit for you and your needs. 

Adding it All Up

As you can see, CBD isn’t nearly as “scary” as certain people make it out to be. It’s a safe, natural element that can provide a number of distinct benefits to those suffering a variety of ailments (physical, mental, or otherwise). By learning the truth behind it, you can enjoy more of these perks. However, before getting started, it’s a good idea to consult with your doctor. If nothing else, this will give you the peace of mind to proceed.


Content contributor at AFAL [African Alert]. Sarah is a passionate copywriter who stalks celebrities all day.

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