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7 Self-care activities to do on weekends

Stress and anxiety often take a toll on people during the weekdays. So it’s no wonder you probably often look forward to weekends when you can take a break and reset your mind.

The concept of self-care has been given more light over the years, especially with the increased awareness of mental health issues like depression and general anxiety

It is important to remember that you are worth giving time and attention to and just as you prioritize the well-being of those you care about, you should also prioritize your well-being. Taking time out each day for yourself isn’t a luxury it is an investment in leveling up holistic mental and physical health.

If you’re thinking of a better way to spend your weekends, consider the following self-care activities.

Sleep may seem like a routine but getting sufficient rest can sometimes seem like an expensive luxury.

Given the rapid exposure to factors that can disrupt sleep, such as gadget overuse, overthinking, loud noises, and more, it’s possible that you may not have experienced good sleep in a while. And what’s worse is that you may not have realized it.

The recommended amount of sleep for adults should be 7 to 8 hours. Otherwise, you may experience several mood disturbances, anxiety, fatigue, and lack of motivation.

Come up with a better schedule that doesn’t compromise your rest.

Exercising can be a great way of practicing self-care, as it is a time during which you can focus on yourself and your body. When you exercise your body releases chemicals called endorphins, which can make you feel happier. Taking time out to exercise can also give you alone time to process your thoughts and emotions. Running, jogging, walking, swimming and cycling are all great ways to get active that you can do alone.

Spending time with friends and family

Spending time with people who make you feel good about yourself is also a form of self-care. It is important to be able to recognize the people who genuinely care about you and your well-being and who show you kindness and love. Reach out to those who you enjoy spending time with and organize to spend some time with them doing the things you enjoy.

Cooking can be a wonderful way to practice self-care. Regardless of what you like to make, cooking can be a way to enjoy your time alone or with friends and family, while trying new recipes and creating new dishes.

Cooking is an expression of love because you do it for others, and where there is food, there is merry.

Japanese people have an established culture of taking hot baths privately or even publicly in places called onsens. But what appears to be driven by tradition is the idea that hot baths have plenty of restorative powers for health and wellness.

One popular benefit of hot baths is pain reduction. It may be harder to look for hot baths that involve mineral water, but it is far easier to draw one in your bathroom.

Not only do hot baths reduce physical pain, but it is also known to unload the stress and anxiety you feel. So light some scented candles and play divine music in your bathroom, and you got yourself a treat for the weekend.

Reading can be a good way to practice self-care as it is a way of slowing down and taking time away from interacting with other people. Reading can allow our minds to travel to different places and take our focus away from worries we might have or pressures in our daily lives.

If you want to take some time out to read it can be a good idea to put your phone away for a while so that it isn’t a distraction to you.

Cleaning and organizing your personal space can be a great way to practice self-care as the task can give you time to clear your head while also creating a space that you can enjoy being in.

Whether it be tidying your room, organizing your desk, or cleaning your car, these simple tasks can give your mind time to process what is going on in your life and focuses your energy on doing something positive for yourself.

Everyone deserves self-care once in a while, stress management is the least you can do over the weekend to compensate for the burdens you have to carry for the rest of the week. Don’t hesitate to do something that makes you relaxed, well-rested, and happier.


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