World News

The Hidden Gem of Home Cleaning: Bay Leaf and Baking Soda

Combining bay leaves and baking soda may seem like a weird combination, but this simple duo may produce a powerful cleaning solution for your home. When used together, they boost each other’s benefits, providing a natural and practical approach to maintain your house. Here’s how you use this combination:

How to Prepare and Use

1. Ingredients:

  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • 5-10 dried bay leaves

2. Preparation:

  • Crush the bay leaves to a fine powder. You can use either a mortar and pestle or a small food processor.
  • Mix the bay leaf powder and baking soda thoroughly.


As a pest repellent:

Dust the mixture in pest-prone places such as under cupboards, window sills, and doorways.

For deodorization:

Place the mixture in open containers or a cloth bag and place it in locations that require deodorization, such as refrigerators, closets, or restrooms.

As Cleaning Scrub:

Pour the mixture over the surface you want to clean, then scrub with a damp sponge or brush. Rinse with water.

Tips for the Best Results

The combination should be replaced on a frequent basis to maintain its effectiveness, particularly for insect control and deodorization.

Keep any unused mixture in an airtight container to preserve the bay leaf smell.


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