NGNigeria TechTech

Computer professionals warn illegal operators in sector

• Collaborate with ministry on 2030 digital literacy target

• Set for 2023 IT Assembly, to induct over 800 new members

The Computer Professional Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN) has called on firms, individuals and other bodies in the computing business in the country that are yet to register with the body to do so, to avoid being sanctioned.

CPN, which was established through Act No 49 of 1993 passed into law on June 10 and gazetted on August 9th 1993, is charged with the regulation, control and supervision of the computing profession and practice in Nigeria in line with Section 1 (2) of the Act.

Speaking with journalists yesterday, on the forthcoming 2023 IT Assembly, scheduled for May 16 and 17 in Abuja, the President and Chairman of Council, CPN, Kole Jagun, said the Act 49 of 1993, makes it mandatory for all persons and organisations seeking to engage, or engaged in the sale or use of computing facilities and the provision of professional services in computing as well as the use of computational machinery and techniques related thereto to be registered by the Council and licensed to carry out such activities.

Jagun said it is illegal to engage in computing and professional practice without satisfying the above condition- registration and possession of a current valid license.

According to him, it has been discovered that so many bodies, even individuals are operating as computer professionals in the country without valid license.

He said CPN would intensify enforcement against the illegal activities, saying, “After the IT Assembly, we shall commence physical engagement with those not registered as member of CPN. We won’t allow quackery in the sector because this is a professional industry that must live up to its bidding because we are strategic to the economy.”

On the forth coming IT Assembly, Jagun, who put the theme as “e-Government for Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance,” disclosed that the Minister for Communications & Digital Economy, Prof Isa Pantami, would deliver the keynote address.

He said speakers at the Assembly will speak to the relevance of e-governance to the actualisation of good governance by considering the link between them and identifying suitable strategies for an effective application of e-governance for realisation of good governance in Nigeria.

“There is no gainsaying that the achievement of good governance in these times needs a functional e-governance. This is because adequate use of ICT serves as a catalyst to an effective and efficient service delivery, quick response, accountability and transparency. Greater use of information and communications technology and e-government will increase governmental transparency, accountability and good Governance,” he stated.

While about 800 people would be inducted newly into CPN, Jagun informed that the body is currently working with the Ministry of Education for the realisation of the 2030 target, which aimed at ensuring that Nigerians are digitally literate.

He said there is an ongoing workshop on that, which the CPN is strategically involved.

The CPN President also said IT multinational organisations working in Nigeria would be encouraged to register with the body, stressing that their Act also empowers them to look at international firms trading in Nigeria.

While also lamenting the gap the ‘Japa’ syndrome is having on the economy, the CPN president said improvement in infrastructure in the country would reduce brain drain, stressing that people are running away because of lack of adequate infrastructure, poor economy and insecurity.

Also speaking, the Vice Chairman of Council, Eyo Essien, who emphasised that any IT professional must be a member of CPN, hinted that the body is working to ensure curriculum review at schools. He said the body is trying to bridge the gap between the academics and the industry.

Essien said wherein the Council is under the supervision of the Federal Ministry of Education, with the National Assembly having/performing oversight functions over it, he disclosed that functions and responsibilities of CPN include the following to determine the standards of knowledge and skills to be attained by persons seeking to become members of the computing profession and improve those standards from time to time as circumstances may permit and to secure, in accordance with the provision of the Act, the establishment and maintenance of a register of persons seeking to be registered under the Act to practice the computing profession and the publication from time to time of the list of such persons.


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