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DIY Recipes: How to make millet banku

Millet is a wonderful addition to your cooking repertoire whether you’re looking to add more whole grains to your cooking.

Although millet banku isn’t a very popular dish, it is very nutritious, delicious and very easy to make.

Millet banku is a way of adding a new twist to your regular banku recipes.

Take 500ml of cold water and ten full tablespoons of millet flour.

Mix flour and water together in a saucepan to a smooth paste and add salt if desired.

Mix cassava dough with water and sieve it. Then add it to the already mixed millet flour.

Place over medium heat and stir continuously into a thick paste and knead for 10 minutes.

Knead thoroughly into a smooth and thick consistency add 250ml of cold water and knead again for 10 minutes.

Mould into balls of desired taste.

Serve with pepper sauce and fish or okra stew.

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