GHGhana LifestyleLifestyle

DIY Recipes: How to make Nkatie Abomu (Peanut sauce)

Nkatie Abomu is a hearty sauce full of rich earthy Ghanaian flavours.

This is a simple and fast way to make a sauce for any dish.

50g of roasted Peanuts or 2 tablespoonfuls of Peanut butter / Groundnut paste

100g of boiled Salted Fish (to get rid of the excess Salt)

4 tablespoonfuls of spiced Palm Oil (Zomi)

1 tin Sardine in oil (optional)

4 chopped Green chillies for garnishing (optional)

Add the tomatoes, onion, pepper and koobi to the pot and add just enough water to steam.

Steam until they are tender. Turn off the heat and keep any remaining water left after the steaming.

Place the chilli and onion in an asanka (earthenware mortar) and mash it with the pestle.

Add the tomatoes to the mortar. Mash until it is well incorporated with the onion mixture.

Add the peanuts or peanut paste and mash well into the mixture. If it is too thick, loosen it up with a bit of water from the steaming process.

Add sardine, salted fish (Koobi) and boiled eggs and then salt to taste.

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