GHGhana LifestyleLifestyle

DIY Recipes: How to make Tom Brown flour at home

Tom Brown is one of the popular breakfasts in Ghana.

Tom Brown flour is simple and easy to make at home.

Deshelled Groundnut (peanuts) – 200grams

Unripe Plantain, optional

Ginger- 1 handful, optional

Dates (sweetener also known as dabino) – 1 handful, optional

Cloves (Kayan kanshi) – 2 tablespoons, optional

Separate your grains into trays and remove any stones or unwanted particles thoroughly. Then wash them separately before drying them in the sun. When they’re completely dry, split them into separate bowls.

In a large frying pan, toast your corn. Make sure you don’t fry it so much that it starts to pop like popcorn. Separately roast your groundnut, millet, and soya beans until they are golden brown.

After toasting, spread your grains out and set them aside to cool. Then remove the outer shell/seed coat (also known as chaff) from the soya beans (You can do this by using a mortar and pestle to softly ground it). Then sift the chaff out with a breezing motion. Then, in an appropriate bowl, pour it.

Grind your crayfish, ginger, and kayan kanshi together. You can either use a mortar and pestle or a blender for this. After grinding, place it in a bowl.

Now it’s time to grind your dates. First, open them up and extract and discard the seeds within. Then, using a blender or a mortar and pestle, crush the outer fruit.

Add all of the ingredients to a mixing dish and thoroughly combine them.

You can blend this combination at home with a high-powered blender or take it to a nearby mill to be blended. While combining, do not add any water.

After you’ve finished blending, pour your powder onto a large tray and set it aside to cool fully.

Sieve your mixture after that to eliminate any remaining chaff. The powder will be smoother as a result.

Your Tom Brown flour is ready for use.


Content contributor at AFAL [African Alert]. Sarah is a passionate copywriter who stalks celebrities all day.

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