KEKenya LifestyleLifestyle

Every Murang’a man gets involved with 14 sexual partners in a lifetime – KNBS report

By Naomi Njoroge, K24 Digital On Tue, 17 Jan, 2023 21:38 | 2 mins read

While men are more likely to report a higher number of lifetime sex partners than women recent research reveals that men from Murang’a county top the list.

This is according to the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) 2022 report by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics(KNBS).

The study analyzed the responses of over 253 men between the ages of 15 and 49 years from the county who claimed an average of 14.1 sexual partners over their lifetime.

Still, in the same county, 43.3 per cent of the men are said to have had sexual intercourse with someone who is not their wife nor lived with them in the last 12 months and out of these, 69.7 per cent used a condom.

While the sample size differ, the other counties in the top 10 list are Tharaka Nithi with a total of 12.3 partners, Elgeyo Marakwet(10.2), Kisumu(9.6), Nairobi(9.3), Machakos(9.2), Busia(8.4), Kiambu(8.2), Narok(8) and Homa Bay with 7.7-lifetime partners per man.

Murang’a women’s average sexual partners

On the other hand, Murang’a women top the list recording 3.3 average lifetime partners.

They are followed closely by Busia and Bungoma with 2.8 partners, and in third place is a tie between Nairobi, Elgeyo Marakwet, Kitui and Kiambu with 2.6 partners.

Murang’a also tops the list of women with multiple sexual partners, at 11 per cent.

Kericho county came second with 6.5 per cent followed by Busia at 6.2 per cent.

Comparatively, men from Migori County recorded the highest with more than two sexual partners at 28.7 per cent.

Elgeyo Marakwet followed at position two with 28.5 per cent while West Pokot came third at 27.2 per cent.

Kericho county has the biggest percentage of women sleeping with men who are not their husbands nor live with them at 27.9 per cent, Murang’a with 27.7 and Nandi with 25.0 per cent.


Content contributor at AFAL [African Alert]. Kevin is a passionate copywriter who is searching for fresh content every day.

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