NGNigeria TechTech

German firm, GIZ partners Weevil Company to upskill 400 young Nigerians in data science

As a measure to curb the unemployment rate in Nigeria, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) partnered with Weevil Company, a purposive technology consulting firm focused on data analytics and digital transformation for organizations to train 400 Nigerians on data science and other digital skills.

This innovation is coming at a time the current unemployment rate in Nigeria is estimated to reach 33 percent. The figure, according to Statista was projected to be at 32.5 percent in the preceding year. Chronological data show that the unemployment rate in Nigeria rose constantly in the past years.

“For some, the problem is not a lack of education, but a lack of the skills and confidence needed to secure decent employment. Also with the advancement in technology, the demand for manual labour has experienced a decline as the demand for digital skills rapidly increases. In view of this, The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ Nigeria) alongside the Federal Ministry of Labour partnered with Weevil Company on a skills acquisition project to train 400 young Nigerians on Data science and other digital skills such as Cyber security, Web development, and Graphic design. The training started on the 8th of August 2022 and ended on the 2nd of September 2022. The training was aimed to reduce the rate of unemployment in Nigeria by equipping youths from low-income communities with practical and job-ready digital skills namely; data science, web development, cyber security and graphics design, which would boost their prospects in the labour market.

Meanwhile, the primary focus of the training as explained by Mr Promise Igweh the head of talent acquisition from Weevil company who spoke to newsmen on Monday stated that it was for unemployed Nigerians. A total of 400 beneficiaries were upskilled in different digital skills.

The statement reads: “The programm showcases with considerations regarding conduciveness, time, and quality learning, the 400 participants were divided into 100 participants per course. They were trained in 2 batches (Batch A&B). Batch A for each course was held Mondays to Fridays for 4 weeks between the hours of 9:00 am to 12:00 pm with 50 students in attendance for each course and a total of 200 students in attendance. Batch B for each course was held on Mondays to Fridays for the 4 weeks between the hours of 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm with 50 students in attendance for each course and a total of 200 students in attendance.

“Like every learning process, there are tests and assignments to check the student’s learning progress and to challenge them to apply what they have learnt. In the first two weeks, assignments and classwork were given to the participants to ensure there is understanding and retention. These tests ranged from basic designs like shapes, texts, and lines to Cards and fliers for the Graphics designs and some coding and design challenges for the Web development, Data science and Cyber security courses. Reports from the tutors showed apt improvement.


“To conclude the training period, the last week of the training was reserved for projects based on what they have learnt. To encourage the best students from each class, Weevil company allotted a prize to the best student in each course. Assessment for this challenge was overseen by the project manager and the tutors. At the end of the time given for completion, the best participating students from each course were picked based on assessment. Each of these students was rewarded with: Hewlett Packard (HP) laptop; Internship opportunities; and Resources for further learning.

“Weevil Company complied with the requirements of the complete educational process by issuing a Certification of Completion to each of the 400 participants. In addition to the certification, training resources and freelance opportunities were also provided to all the participants to further develop the skills acquired from the training.


Jerry is a copy writer at African Alert [AFAL]. Aside from general news, Jerry is an experienced creator and web content expert who loves to spend his time telling African-centric stories, most times, in text.

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