GHGhana LifestyleLifestyle

Here are 7 things your partner does not need to know about you

Here are the things you really should not be telling that your boyfriend or girlfriend if you intend to keep the relationship going.

Of course, very relationship should be built on trust; but there’s a limit to openness and there exist things your partner does not really need to know.

In essence, it’s OK to cut down on openness in a relationship from 100% to somewhere in the region of 90% or so. And here’s the reason: some people really just can’t handle the truth. It does not make them bad people or bad partners; they’re not just wired to be calm or stay sane in the face of certain revelations.

So instead of risking something beautiful over an inconsequential detail that’ll likely not hurt anyone if forever locked away in a vault, just keep mum and continue coasting with the love of your life.

Here are 7 times when it’s OK to leave some things unsaid;

For real, not many boyfriends/girlfriends want to hear the step by step narration and graphic details of how you had sex in a bathroom stall at the mall with your ex or some random babe.

As we already discussed in detail here, for the ladies, only your doctor and/or gynecologist deserves this information.

Really, this is literally opening the door for problems no one wants. Here’s the thing about revealing this information – you put your partner in a position to have his imagination roam and become paranoid.

Being genuinely in love with a man or woman does not magically take away the inclination to be attracted or to fall in love with other people.

I’m not sure anyone wants to hear her boyfriend say he does not like her mum. Neither is there any guy who would stand for that.

The only time this may be OK is when you no longer value the relationship and you’re willing to let go of it.

Even if you searched and found out that they’ve been loyal and loyal to you, keep the good news to yourself.

There really is no way to justify snooping through his stuff in the first instance. You’re going to come off as distrustful and things may just go downhill from there. Better keep the info to yourself.

Ladies, your boyfriend does not need to know that you have been stalking his ex on social media. You’ll come off as insecure and you don’t need that.

Same thing goes for guys. You really so not want to give off the vibe of insecurity. Your babe does not need that.


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