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Hilda Baci speaks on cooking Guinness World Record

Hilda Baci cooked for over four days to break the Guinness World Record for an individual cooking marathon.

Hilda’s cook-a-thon started on May 11, 2023, and ended late on May 15, and she prepared over 200 meals served to more than 4,000 people.

While appreciating the love and support, Hilda Baci said, “I am so amazed at the outpouring of love from Nigerians towards achieving this record. The first six hours were the toughest for me, I had to pray to God for strength.

“I appreciate everyone who took time out to support and encourage me by visiting the venue to cheer me on or driving the conversation on social platforms.

“Your unwavering passion to see me succeed through this attempt is heartfelt. I am grateful to my family, the various teams that worked with me on this project, and fans from all over the world who kept the passion going.’’

The Guinness Book of Records attempt will be ratified after the official World Record Office verifies the proceedings. This will include ensuring that the attempt is well-measured, standardised, and verifiable.

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