EntertainmentGHGhana Entertainment

How to enjoy the holidays on a budget

Thanks to Easter, it is going to be a long weekend, however, are you looking to join the celebration of activities on a budget without overspending?

Here are some activities you can plan out and still have amazing fun of a time.

Organize games night with friends

Games night with friends
Games night with friends

It is always a chill vibe with boys and girls, what a way of catching up with friends and loved ones over drinks and games while gisting and having fun.

You can always trust the boys to come along with some drinks and food to make the party

Visit family and friends

Spending time with Family
Spending time with Family

Usually, the Easter season is the period when families pay visits to other family relatives and friends to catch up and reunite.

We know that a lot of people cook and buy drinks to receive their guests during Easter. An affordable way of enjoying the holidays with loved ones without spending, just pack your things and visit a family.

Binge watch movies

Bing watching
Bing watching

You can have lots of fun watching amazing and interesting television shows to keep you occupied over the holidays. Spend quality time with yourself.

Binge worthy series is an excellent way to relax accompanied by some snacks to treat yourself.



It is already the first quarter of the year and the hustle and bustle from the beginning of January can be a little exhausting. Especially for persons who are in the corporate space and also others who work all seven days with little or no rest at all.

According to health experts, sleep is very essential to the body and promotes good well-being of an individual, at least a quality eight hours of sleep is healthy for the body.

Sleeping over this long weekend is a good way of relaxing and reenergizing the body and mind.

Participate in Church activities

Church activities
Church activities

Many churches have programs lined up during this period and it’s an excellent way to rejuvenate your faith and draw closer to your maker.

Avail yourself and engage in Church activities to keep yourself occupied and entertained while doing the Lord’s work.

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