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‘I do not agree with findings of death inquest’ – Jeff Mwathi’s mother

Jeff Mwathi’s mother Ann Wacuka expressed her disappointment with the investigations carried out by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) into her son’s death.

In an interview with Nairobi News, Wacuka revealed that on Wednesday, May 4, 2023, she had a five-hour meeting with detectives who handled her son’s case.

Despite the lengthy meeting, Jeff’s mother said she was not optimistic about the outcome and did not believe justice would be served.

According to Wacuka, the detectives told her that there was insufficient evidence to support the theory that her son was murdered.

“I do not agree with the findings of the inquest into the death of Jeff Mwathi. I believe that justice must prevail and all parties involved must be held accountable for their actions,” Wacuka said.

Wacuka argues that the fact that her son’s death occurred in the suspect’s home and yet he did not immediately report the incident raises many questions about his involvement.

“It is widely known where Jeff was and who he was with before his death,” she said.


DCI on April 19, 2023, completed their investigations into Jeff Mwathi’s death and handed over the file to the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for action.

The conclusion of the investigation came three weeks after detectives exhumed Jeff Mwathi’s remains to take more samples for analysis.

The conclusion of investigations meant that the decision to review, prosecute, or not to prosecute now rests with the DPP.

According to the DCI report, Jeff Mwathi’s death still remains inconclusive with possible suicide suggested as the strongest explanation for how he met his death.

DCI detectives were unable to pin six suspects to Jeff Mwathi’s death.

The six include; DJ Fatxo, his driver, two women and another man, who were in the Redwood apartment on the fateful night that Mwathi fell down to his death.

The DCI investigation revealed that Mwathi became intoxicated at the apartment and started throwing up.

He was led into a nearby room to recuperate from the effects of the alcohol, with the party continuing in the adjacent sitting room.

The report said that one of the ladies, who was unfamiliar with DJ Fatxo and his friends, asked to leave for home.

CCTV footage, which was part of the evidence the detectives relied on, showed DJ Fatxo and the two ladies leaving the apartment shortly after.

Meanwhile, the two men who remained at the house continued with the festivities.

According to the detectives, the two left the house shortly after and reportedly went to the parking lot to see if DJ Fatxo had returned and passed out in the car.

During the investigations, detectives were told it was not uncommon for DJ Fatxo to return home and pass out in his car after a night out.

According to detectives, the two men were still in the lift on their way to the parking lot when CCTV captured Jeff Mwathi’s body falling off the apartment block.

Police believe the small window in DJ Fatxo’s house from which Mwathi is said to have fallen from was too narrow for a person to be pushed through.

Detectives believe Mwathi jumped from the window, which could explain why his body was discovered with his pants at the knee, his last contact with the window was at the waist.

The evidence gathered during the investigations also revealed that the two men returned to the house after checking the parking lot.

According to the findings by police, Jeff Mwathi’s absence was discovered hours after he failed to wake up, prompting a check into the bedroom where he had been sleeping.

DJ Fatxo was seen on CCTV returning home after dropping off the two ladies. He was caught on camera talking with a neighbour before covering his eyes and walking into the apartment.

At the house, he is said to have told the two men that he heard that a person had fallen off the building but he could not bring himself to go out because of a fear of dead bodies or things associated with death.

At that point, it is said that DJ Fatxo was still not aware that the person who had fallen off the building was Jeff Mwathi.

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