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‘I’ve been hiding it but not anymore’ – Willy Paul announces decision to marry Miss P

By Martin Oduor, K24 Digital On Tue, 30 May, 2023 09:19 | 2 mins read

Wilson Radido alias Willy Paul has decided to quit the bachelors’ club and settle down in marriage with singer Picasah Wairimu aka Miss P.

Willy Paul publicly announced his decision to marry Miss P in a post on social media where he revealed that he had been hiding his plan to settle down with the songbird.

“I’m marrying her. I’ve been hiding it but not anymore,” Willy Paul announced.

Rape allegations

Willy Paul’s marriage announcement came as a surprise given that Miss P accused him of raping her several times after he signed her to his record label Saldido.

Miss P sensationally accused Willy Paul of rape in August 2021.

Willy Paul was however vindicated in April 2023 after Miss P herself admitted that she lied about being raped by her former boss.

After the rape story went viral, Willy Paul faced backlash and was harshly judged even though it was not proven if the allegations were actually true.

For this reason, many people urged Willy Paul to sue Miss P for defamation because of what he went through after she claimed that he raped her.

However, Willy Paul resisted pressure to sue Miss P. He empathised with his accuser while giving a lengthy explanation of why he wouldn’t dare sue her.

Pozze noted that he would not gain anything by having Miss P locked up.

“Well, I know you’ve all been waiting for my reaction after Miss P’s confession. I’ve seen your comments, most of you asking me to take legal action and some asking me to forgive and keep away from her.

A good number of you guys reminded me of what that false story put me through and insisted that I take legal action without having second thoughts.

“But the question is, what good will having her locked up do to me? Absolutely nothing. I will gain nothing,” Willy Paul wrote.

“Being a good man that I’ve always been, the good man that most people fail to see the good in. I have decided to forgive this beautiful soul. I know it cost me a lot but if God can forgive then who am I not to? If you truly understand the word of God then you’ll understand that there’s even more peace in forgiveness,” he added.

Willy Paul further explained that God used him to unlock Miss P’s doors, adding that he still has so much love for her and that his doors will stay open for her.

“Remember this fam, God used me to unlock this girl’s doors and I did just that so why would I mess what God used me to make? Bottom line, I still have so much love for her and will always be here to listen to her whenever she needs my advice or any other thing that I can help with.

“Before you judge her or even disagree with me, just remember that mistakes happen, people make mistakes no one is perfect and like I said earlier, I still so much love for her and my doors will stay open for her,” Willy Paul wrote.


Content contributor at AFAL [African Alert]. Sarah is a passionate copywriter who stalks celebrities all day.

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