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J Molley Opens Up About Suffering From Bipolar

J Molley Opens Up About Suffering From Bipolar. J Molley has become associated with depression and mental illness after he has addressed the issues in his songs and some of his social media posts. The rapper has endured some failed suicide attempts and recently he addressed his current mental state.

J Molley Opens Up About Suffering From Bipolar

In an Instagram video, the Seven Bottles singer revealed that he is currently suffering from a borderline personality disorder, which is why he acts the way he does. “I want to give you guys clarity on why I act the way I do and all the stories I post and how I got from love to hate so quickly,” he said.

“I suffer from a borderline personality disorder which is like bipolar but way worse, it’s more of a thing, one hour you’re happy, the next hour you’re sad. One moment you love someone, the next moment you hate someone and you wanna kill them, we feel things ten times more than everyone so everything is so extreme.”

Adding on the changes in his behaviour J Molley said; “we feel abandoned, pulsive, we feel empty all the time, we want to kill ourselves all the time. Along with borderline, I have bipolar so I go through manic phases when I’m happy so everyone thinks everything is cool, then the next thing I’m sad and I’m crushing again, I have OCPD, I have ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), I have anxiety, I have depression.”

The rapper recently revealed that he had survived another unsuccessful suicide attempt. He then addressed the matter, reassuring everyone that he was well and receiving the required care. “‘I’m just going through a lot right now and understandably, I’m working on getting better and everything is going to work out, thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for everything, I really appreciate it, he said.


Content contributor at AFAL [African Alert]. Sarah is a passionate copywriter who stalks celebrities all day.

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