
Kids start riding bikes to school and bring a town back to life

There must be several things from your school days that make you nostalgic. Those childish pranks you used to play on your friends and waiting for your childhood crush to enter class would make anybody go back to those good old days.

Kids riding bikes

However, one thing that would surely make you remember your school life was riding a bike to school. Going to school on bikes was a craze amongst kids of that era. Going to school on bikes in a group and, sometimes, racing to the school gate were incredible memories.

A Portland PE teacher of the Alameda Elementary School recently thought about bringing those good old days back for school kids on Earth Day. But then, he thought of kids riding bikes to school. So they met in the Alameda neighborhood, the starting point of their bike journey to school.

Kids riding bikes

According to the PE teacher, it would be a lovely way to bring the community together and get some physical activities. So he named it the bike bus, a way for kids and families to get to school using their feet or on bikes.

Most kids came alone on their bikes, whereas others came with their parents. It was something exciting for kids and adults alike. They rode the bikes in excitement. However, the adults had to stay at regular intervals to keep an eye on the kids.

Kids riding bikes

There were some parents, teachers, and the school principal. He was also excited about the new concept. He thought it was a great way to start the day and get everybody to exercise.

If the idea of riding bikes to school could return, it would help the kids in many ways possible. It could give them some physical exercises, reduce pollution, and, more importantly, help them get a taste of the good old days.


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