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KKNK Arts Festival set for a triumphant return in April

The Klein Karoo National Arts Festival will be back in full force from 1-9 April this year in Oudtshoorn.

The festival programme has been launched with many of the old favourites, and some new additions to the line-up. Tickets have gone on sale nationwide and online.

The KKNK was held virtually for two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and a limited festival was held last year, but now, it’s back to business as usual.

“This year we’re open, we’re closing off the Baron Van Reede Street, we’re having a street festival, a street party. We’re running it over nine days which means we can cover both weekends. This is the festival most people who’ve been here remember, so I’m excited that we’re back in full force,” says Crispin Sonn, Chairperson of Kunste Onbeperk.

A new addition to the programme is a Youth Arts Festival from 1-4 April, in collaboration with the Western Cape Department of Education.

This festival within the festival, is focused on cultivating an interest in the arts amongst high school learners.

“The idea is for them to experience the arts here in the Karoo, and also to meet and talk to people who work in the industry. Not necessarily for them to also be performers or work backstage or be in theatre; but hopefully to build a young audience for the future, and people who will buy tickets and support the arts in years to come,” remarks the Artistic Director of KKNK, Hugo Theart.

ABSA, the main sponsor of the KKNK for the last 21 years, has announced that it will continue its support for at least the next three years.

“The Oudtshoorn area is a small area, and what the KKNK does, is it brings a lot of people to a small community. It has a lot of impact in the community from a financial perspective, and it brings something to a small town that normally isn’t here.  So it’s very important to be part of this,” Regional Head of ABSA SME, Shedrik Rooi.

Recipients of the KKNK honorary awards have also been announced by the organisers, they include veteran actor, Dawid Minnaar, musical artist Early B, singer Refentse Morake and former RSG station manager Magdaleen Kruger.

The awards ceremony will be held during the festival.


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