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Kwesta Reveals His Greatest Achievement In His 16-Year Musical Career

Kwesta Reveals His Greatest Achievement In His 16-Year Musical Career. Throughout his 16-year musical career, Kwesta has experienced all the highs and lows that come with working in a cutthroat field like hip-hop. The rapper is one of the well-known SA rappers who is at ease sharing their story because of his unwavering dedication and consistency.

Kwesta Reveals His Greatest Achievement In His 16-Year Musical Career

From winning multi-awards, and releasing top charting music to bringing Rick Ross & Wale to South Ah, Kwesta deserves his laurels whilst he’s still kicking. In an interview with DRUM, the 34-year-old rapper revealed his greatest achievement in his career.

Kwesta stated that his biggest accomplishment was maintaining his distinctive qualities despite the rigours of the music industry. “I tried my best to remain myself and didn’t get swallowed up by the industry as it sometimes does, I’m still recognisable when I get elokshin. Having that much stubbornness to keep your head on your shoulders is something that I actively work on.” Kwesta said.

The rapper announced a one-man show in celebration of his long run in the music industry. The music concert will take place at Carnival City on the 24th of August 2023. Explaining the significance of the upcoming music event, the rapper stated that the message he wishes to convey is that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

“The message that I’d like the 16th bar to put out there is that longevity is a possible thing. A lot of people have been told and it has been drilled into them that the music industry is unsafe, ‘don’t do it, it doesn’t, which is true only if you don’t dedicate yourself.” He said.


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