EntertainmentKEKenya Entertainment

Media personality Lynda Nyangweso comes out as bisexual

By Achieng’ Mary, K24 Digital On Sun, 26 Mar, 2023 11:32 | 2 mins read

Former radio host Lynda Nyangweso has come out as bisexual meaning she is sexually or romantically attracted to both men and women.

The former Kiss 100 presenter took to her Instastories to reveal that she was bisexual despite being married to a man.

The media personality noted that she refrained from making the revelation because of her marital status.

Nyangweso also advocated for LGBTQIA rights noting that those who identified as such need to be accorded the same level of respect as others.

“As a bisexual woman I’ve never really had to “come out” because I’m married to a man but this isn’t the time to mince words. LGBTQIA rights are human rights. I’ll say that again. LGBTQIA rights are human rights. No ifs and or buts,” she wrote.

The radio girl also took issue with the Ugandan anti-LGBTQ bill which was passed a week ago.

She expressed concern that Kenya may be tempted to follow the same path as Uganda after national leaders disagreed with the Supreme court ruling on LGBTQ.

The Apex court had ruled that members of the LGBTQ community were allowed to formally register their own association.

Lynda Nyangweso’s post. PHOTO/(LyndaNyangweso)Instagram

“Seeing what is happening in Uganda should worry us here in Kenya. LGBTQIA rights are already so compromised and it is naive to think that one of the only hateful agendas that unite government and opposition won’t mean legislated hate here. No one should be forced back into or forced out of the closet. LGBTQIA rights are human rights,” Nyangweso added.

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