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Pravin Gordhan: ‘This job requires resilience’

Pravin Gordhan has fielded criticism over his five years at the helm of the department of public enterprises. This is as the country’s state-owned entities — which have long threatened to break the back of an already fragile economy — have proven obstinate to change.

Now, as the country continues to endure severe load-shedding, the ANC has resolved that state-owned entities be moved out of Gordhan’s department. The decision has attracted widespread commentary and analysis. But the minister has remained silent on the subject.

In an interview with the Mail & Guardian this week, Gordhan outlines the problems that have come with rehabilitating state-owned entities after years of state capture, as well as what the next phase of their rebuild holds.

The first step the department had to take back in 2018 was to address governance issues at state-owned entities. This required changing their boards, Gordhan said.

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