NGNigeria TechTech

Quickbunny to redefine logistics sector

Nigerian-based logistics mobile app and a courier aggregation provider, QuickBunny has unveiled its services at an official launch held at the Nest Innovation Hub in Yaba Lagos.

The company, focused on delivering packages by hiring vetted agents called ‘Hoppers’ to run delivery or errands in real-time, is set to be a game changer in the delivery business in Nigeria.

Speaking at the launch, the Chief Executive Officer, Oscar Ebanja and Chief Operating Officer, Raymond Maduagwu, said they created the platform to ensure smooth delivery of all packages to their clients’ doorstep, with their target being SMEs, as they understand the need for them to deliver their business proposition to customers.

Part of the features was the independent rider system, which according to the Maduagwu, “Anyone willing to ride, make extra income and also feels safe working with us can apply to be a hopper.”

To Ebanja, their major objective with introducing independent riders known as Hoppers is to bring in accountability, whilst empowering them with their own work schedule. However, he said, “being a Hopper involves a rigorous registration process to ensure anyone applying meets its stated criterias. The other benefits to Hoppers mentioned include – health insurance, items insurance, free training and sensitization, 24hrs cash out withdrawals amongst others.”

Business owners present at the launch expressed their delight on the highlighted solutions of the company in line with the challenges SMEs face, especially in a busy city like Lagos, whilst applauding the hoppers benefit as a morale booster, away from the norm.


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