KEKenya LifestyleLifestyle

Road trip ideas to try out from Nairobi in 2022

By Achieng’ Mary, K24 Digital On Wed, 7 Dec, 2022 06:00 | 2 mins read

Road trips are a relaxing way of unwinding from stressful everyday activities, and a good idea for holidays.

Irrespective of the distance and time needed to arrive at a destination, a well-planned car trip filled with an abundance of music, great people, and snacks can turn into an unforgettable magical experience that lingers on.

Anyone can experience amazing destinations and detours that range from wildlife-filled savannahs and coastal drives to history-filled routes, by simply traversing the right routes.

Nairobi to Maasai Mara

A road trip across Maasai Mara is an invigorating experience that gives a taste of the safari experience.

Drive from Nairobi to Mai Maihu to Narok to Maasai Mara where you can get to visit the Mara River which has yearly Wild beast migration.

There are also leopards, and lions among other animals that you can see as they roam through their natural habitat.

Nairobi to Samburu National Reserve

For those who enjoy picturesque scenes, this drive will give you the perfect alluring scenes as you engage nature’s finest landscape.

As you drive through, you can stop by the Samburu Game Reserve and the Buffalo Springs National and visit the animals. You can also stop at Nanyuki and Isiolo on the way as you traverse the routes.

This option is advantageous since it is not crowded which means you are less likely to encounter a snarl-up on your way.

Nairobi to Nanyuki

Driving from Nairobi to Nanyuki is a wonderful experience that anyone can try. Here, you get to enjoy the beauty of history-filled routes and safari.

The road to Nanyuki is quite good, seamless and easy to navigate. The trip should take about three (3) hours.

Should you decide to stop over at Nanyuki, there are a number of activities to choose from the wonderful sites in the town.

Nairobi to Mombasa

Stretching over 500 kilometres, a drive from Nairobi to Mombasa is an exciting one.

As you traverse the route, you are likely to enjoy scenic views from landscapes and terrains. The drive is likely to take 7-9 hours depending on the speed and the route you are using.

There are a number of local eateries that serve amazing dishes that you can try out as you stop over to rest.

Nairobi to Kisumu

Driving from Nairobi to Kisumu gives you an amazing safari experience as you traverse major towns such as Nakuru and Kericho. The route also has scenic views from the Great Rift valley, Elementaita and the famous Iten Viewpoint where you can stop for a photoshoot session and amazing delicacies by the eateries.

Despite the trip taking approximately 6-7 hours, every minute spent driving is an invigorating experience.


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