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Top 10 African cities with the highest population

  • Overpopulation in a city is an issue with the advantage of possible economic prosperity.
  • According to the World Population Review, here are the most populated cities in Africa.
  • Egypt is the only country with two entrants on the list. 

A city’s population is often indicative of the economic prosperity in said region.

It is tricky to determine whether economic activities within a metropolis are often driven by the number of occupants living in the city, or whether the number of people within a city is responsible for the level of economic activity in said region.

However unclear this is, what is certain is that the two are not mutually exclusive. They are determinants of each other, as the prominence of one almost always leads to the growth of the other.

As a result, the socio-challenges that arise from overpopulation like ecological degradation, high costs of living, and unemployment are the proverbial necessary evil that spurs prosperity via ingenuity, and problem-solving.

Below is a list of African cities with the highest population. These cities are globally recognized economic hubs and grow in population yearly. The list contains data on population growth from 2021 to 2022, and also their position on the global scale. The list is also as of September 2022.

The list is courtesy of World Population Review a demographics data outfit focused on population data all across the globe.


Jerry is a copy writer at African Alert [AFAL]. Aside from general news, Jerry is an experienced creator and web content expert who loves to spend his time telling African-centric stories, most times, in text.

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