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Your wardrobe evolution in your 20s: A journey of style and growth

When you are a kid you don’t think too much about what you want to wear, your parents buy the clothes and choose what you wear.

You don’t have to think too much your parents will think for you, that’s what parents and guardians are for.

Then you gradually become a teenager then you start to become responsible for yourself, you start to choose what to wear but it’s still not that serious as a teenager, there’s little responsibility you’re caught between childhood and adulthood so your wardrobe is still not that much of a problem.

But one day everything changes in your life after 22, it starts usually with the funeral clothes. One day your friend loses a parent and as much as you don’t like to hear such news, it’s part of life and you need to prepare for it. That’s when you find yourself buying or sewing appropriate clothing for funeral functions. That’s it, before you realize it you now have black and red funeral clothes in your wardrobe.

Somewhere around 24, you wake up to a wedding invitation in your group chat, your mate is getting married and you can’t miss it even if you wanted to. You’re not growing any younger these things are going to keep happening so you just get up and go find a wedding-appropriate attire and that’s how you end up with white wedding clothes in your wardrobe.

After the wedding comes the naming ceremony, one friend has a baby and as a new aunt or uncle you have to fulfill your duties, you don’t even complain you just find a white dress that isn’t too much of a wedding function style and attend the ceremony. Congratulations now you have a full cycle of life event clothing in your wardrobe. Death, marriage, and birth.

Then comes the corporate clothes, life is changing, you need to go to work so you can be independent and responsible for yourself, and to get to work you need to be dressed in accordance with what your job requires. Gradually your childish disappear you’re left with work and other functional clothes. But mostly your corporate clothes override them all they take over the wardrobe and rule over the other clothes.

Then you meet someone you like and want to hang out with them, you start planning on dates and vacations, and gradually you start to get your dinner wear, your casual clothes, all the clothes you need to impress your person. Anytime you have a place to go you find yourself looking for something to make you look good for this person.

Before you realize it things have changed you are not a child anymore, you go to bed with a wardrobe full of clothes and wake up still thinking of what to wear to a party or wedding, or even church. Then you learn that as you grow and evolve you’re not the only thing that undergoes changes but everything else around you. So go ahead and make those changes in the wardrobe, get those black clothes, then the white ones, then the brown and grey ones, the navy blue and the burnt orange. Spice it up don’t make the mistake of sticking to just one color because all the other colors will come in handy at various life events.


Content contributor at AFAL [African Alert]. Sarah is a passionate copywriter who stalks celebrities all day.

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